University of California San Francisco

Transitions of Care for Hospitalized Older Adults

Transitions of Care for Hospitalized Older Adults

The research of Ryan Greysen, M.D., is focused on transitions of care for hospitalized older adults and interventions to improve post-discharge continuity of care including novel uses of patient-centered technology such as mobile devices and social media (mHealth). Dr. Greysen, a hospitalist with unique training in social sciences and health outcomes research, is committed to improving the quality of hospital care for vulnerable patients their families, specifically the health, functional status, and independence of elders by improving care transitions between the hospital and home. Through his research, funded by an NIH K-23 award from the National Institute of Aging, Dr. Greysen seeks to accelerate changes in the healthcare system, by developing, testing, and disseminating novel approaches to patient and family focused on the needs of vulnerable, hospitalized elders.